Friday, September 02, 2011

CLIP OF THE DAY: L'amour...

Academy Award-winner French movie maker Claude Lelouch, celebrates his 50th anniversary with an epic film about following our heart and the consequences we all face by doing so… This is the love story of an impulsive, passionate woman throughout wartime in 1942 during the Nazi period,  after a series of encounters she later falls in love with two American soldiers, but unable to chose she lets fate take its course. Hunted by the assumption the her heart never seems to make the right choice, love will prove her wrong and bring her a series of mistaken choices which could lead to the one that is right. What Love May Bring  (Ces Amours-là) opened in the UK on the 20th February this year (Glasgow Film Festival) and luckly for some of you Clippers it just premmiered in Brazil this week. Leaving you with a suggestion for the weekend: Love...with a great soundtrack. As they so smartly said: "The best years of our lives are those we haven't lived yet". Bon weekend a tous xx

PS. from now on CLIP will be from Monday-Friday only... we are happy to be preparing for more news on its format. Thank You for making this possible - happy days!

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