Friday, November 04, 2011

CLIP OF THE DAY: Living and learning

Inspired by my mother I read "A tour around Heathrow airport" and soon after that I became a great admirer of author and philosopher Alain de Botton, founder of The School of Life. Situated in the heart of bohemian surroundings of Bloomsbury area in London, The School of Life describes itself as "the chemist for the mind, a place where you can try out a variety of cultural solutions to everyday ailments. We sell books, artworks, courses, holidays and therapeutic services." Yes - we are talking about courses on: "How to be a better friend", "How to stay calm", Why are relationships so complicated?" or "How to find a job you love" --- To many this probably sounds silly, others their biggest fear but maybe if we take prejudgement out of the equation this may be the ultimate bibliotheraphy service for your soul....

CLIP-IT: Check out their Meals Sessions calendar - fun dinners with unique guests, TSL Shop & the original gift certificates.

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